
Toretto Toretto


Pimentinha Pimentinha


Nascimento: 02/10/2018

Dogo Argentino

Machos: 2

Fêmeas: 2

Disponíveis: 0

Conheça o pedigree

Filhotes Dogo Argentino


Viserys Embryo Brazil Viserys Embryo Brazil

Viserys Embryo Brazil

Thor Benedetti of Scadufax Thor Benedetti of Scadufax

Thor Benedetti of Scadufax

V. Aloha Embryo Brazil V. Aloha Embryo Brazil

V. Aloha Embryo Brazil

Jack Sparrow of Scadufax

Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax

Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax

Full Head del Cavdillo Full Head del Cavdillo

Full Head del Cavdillo

Tijuana Embryo Brazil Tijuana Embryo Brazil

Tijuana Embryo Brazil




D. Lagertha Benedetti Rabelo D. Lagertha Benedetti Rabelo

D. Lagertha Benedetti Rabelo

Thor Benedetti of Scadufax Thor Benedetti of Scadufax

Thor Benedetti of Scadufax

Atena 1.3 Benedetti Rabelo Atena 1.3 Benedetti Rabelo

Atena 1.3 Benedetti Rabelo

Jack Sparrow of Scadufax

Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax

Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax

Ferris Bueller of Scadufax Ferris Bueller of Scadufax

Ferris Bueller of Scadufax

Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax

Kiara Benedetti of Scadufax

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